Our Mission
Providing an educational resource to the community and STE(A)M educators, through building active displays of railroad operations. The construction and operation of model railroads encompasses many skills, from carpentry through the construction of display layout platforms, building scale structures to technical nature of programming the digital command control systems. The artistry of creating realistic scenery for the model trains to run though is another part of our mission. We strive to provide a model railroading experience that educates, inspires, and brings joy to all.
The Baltimore Society of Model Engineers (BSME) was formed in 1932 to further the fledgling hobby of model railroading. Our organization accomplished this goal through the fellowship of like minded individuals building intricate scale working models of real railroads. The models included locomotives and roiling stock (boxcars, tank cars, stock cars, cabooses, etc.). And of course there was the scale scenery, buildings, and roads of the world around railroads. The humble beginnings was a simple advertisement in the back of the January 1932 issue of “The Modelmaker” magazine, seeking those interested in the hobby of model railroading in the Baltimore region. The organization has persevered through economic upturns and downturns, wars, and five different locations. We can’t help but wonder if the individuals who met in a Baltimore home on March 4th, 1932 ever imagined that the organization that they began would remain one of the oldest, if not the oldest, model railroad societies.
Prior Locations
The organization has set up permanent displays at multiple locations around Baltimore throughout its 90+ year history. We began with an O-scale outside third rail display at 1613 N. Chester St, moving on to 33rd St and Greenmount Ave, in the late 30s. After World War II the club relocated to the basement of the post office at 1217 W. North Ave while adding HO scale. Unfortunately the club had to move from this location as the Fire Marshal did not allow our annual after Christmas open house shows, which had become a community staple and tradition. So the organization set up its next home on the third floor of a building at 225 W. Saratoga St was was there for 67 years until the building sale force to relocate again.
Our current location is 3500 Parkdale Ave on the third floor again, but with an elevator this time! Where we maintain, display and operate a HO (1:87 scale) model transportation system. We also display some historical artifacts to include railroad heralds (logos) of many of the lines from the 1950s. We also have on display the tail signs of two famous Baltimore passenger trains, the Baltimore & Ohio’s Capitol Limited, and the Pennsylvania’s Congressional.
Through the operation of model railroads displays we demonstrate and educate people on the role of railroads in our society. We regularly display our O 2-rail (1:48 scale) modular layout at the Great Scale Model Train Show (GSMTS, https://gsmts.com) multiple times throughout the year.
We are actively searching for a permanent location, where we can once again display railroads in multiple scales. We are even hoping for a larger location than our old Saratoga Street location to be able add N, S, and O 3-rail displays.